I don’t know why I seek validation from the one who only sees me as a number,
from the one who reads my name simply as a word with no life attached to it.

I don’t know why I seek validation from a society who shushes away cries of change,
telling those cries that they’re the issue,
that those cries need to go back to where they came from,
or that those cries are just whines, and they need to grow up

I don’t know why I seek validation from a digital application that measures my self worth with the number of hearts
or the number of comments
a single post
from a single second
from my entire life receives.

I don’t know why I seek validation from the person who doesn’t care to know that I believe pineapple has a home on pizza
and that rainy days are exclusively reserved for movie marathons,

the person who doesn’t care to know how important surprise parties are,

the person who doesn’t care to know that my world can crumble with a single sentence.

I don’t know why i seek validation from a world who would drop me whenever it wants.

But there are those who are different,
those who help me keep my head high.

They are the ones warming up my dinner for the third time because I was too busy finishing a paper.

They are the ones who make sure to turn the lights off, and leave a blanket on me when I fall asleep.

They are the ones who make me laugh, and tell me that things are going to be alright because we’re going through it together.

They are the ones that message me every once in a while to see how I’m doing.

They are the ones that send me a meme because they knew it would make me laugh.

They are the ones who cheer me on when I’m trudging away.

They are the ones stick through, even when I’m making absolutely no sense.

They are the ones who care,
The ones who push aside validation because validation is only a word,
because to them,
my happiness transcends validation any day.


Featured Artwork: Creative Review

One response to “Validation”

  1. Kathleen Avatar

    Beautifully said and definitely something i needed to be reminded of today. Thank you.

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