You’re Not Who You Thought You Were


Years of hiding you have been

I wonder why

If only you were to take into consideration where you would’ve been

Had you not

Sooner than later

Finding who you were was a painful experience

An agonizing inferiority complex you kindled with self

Yes. There were those to blame

But the shame with self remained

And over time you realized the world you created for you was taking your place

You’re not who you thought you were

You were always the shy, quiet, insecure individual you once knew

But deep down was a world of freedom

Of daring spirit, you knew you possessed but sheltered your eyes with covers and books of others you once looked up to

Why? They didn’t understand who you claimed to be

And ironic as it was, you didn’t either

With visual soulful depictions of self, you found a constant battle

Of fear resting in shadows

That you didn’t understand

You knew that who you were was full of spirit and charisma

But could the world handle a Nigerian enigma?

An oxymoron that puzzled your mind for years that felt like centuries

You aren’t who feared to understand you

You are who you are

Who was indeed someone you thought you were

A person with limits and bounds

That conquered a free spirit and soul

But left a piece that was able to find its way home

You aren’t who you thought you were

You are who you were made to be

An undefined soul with limitless intent and inspiration

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